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1st Workshop on Animation in Virtual and Augmented Environments

19.3.2018 in Reutlingen, Germany

held in conjunction with IEEE Virtual Reality 2018


available online at:


Animation is a very broad and heterogeneous media form. Often associated with cinema and television, animated images have entered many areas of life, in particular games, installations, or data visualizations, taking on operative, communicative, epistemic, and didactic tasks, among other things. In this context, Suzanne Buchan (2013) speaks of pervasive animation, a media-world in which animated images are omnipresent. Also in the newest and most innovative field of motion picture production, augmented and virtual and reality, animation is an integral part of artistic, scientific and economical applications in animated forms as well as mixed with live-recorded footage.

The overall goal of the workshop is to identify the chances and challenges of animated content in AVR environments. It focuses on application-oriented contexts, such as industry, education, health or architecture, creating direct benefits for end users and/or customers, but is also open to creative and artistic approaches/use cases.

The workshops aims to create an open environment. It connects specialists from various digital humanities research areas, such as animation, games and media studies with experts from both vision oriented computer science areas such as computer graphics or information visualization, and experts from technically-oriented computer science areas such as data integration, internet-of-things or smart automation.

By encouraging synergies of interdisciplinary approaches the workshop maps animation within the AVR context from different angles and creates new knowledge in this research field.

ANIVAE wants to account the state-of-the-art research in digital humanities with (software) design and visualization for AVR systems, to shape a common understanding, to compare systems and approaches and derive common paradigms, to develop useful and necessary methods and techniques, and to foster new ideas.


Franziska Bruckner (St. Pölten University of Applied Sciences),
Thomas Moser (St. Pölten University of Applied Sciences),



Monday, 19.3.2018

Session 1: 9:00-10:30

Juergen Hagler, Michael Lankes and Jeremiah Diephuis
Animating Participants in Co-located Playful Mixed-Reality Installations

Eleanor Dare
AI/VR: Situated Animation in the Library of Babel

Volker Helzle
Immersion in Digital Animation Research and Education


Session 2: 11:00-12:00

Matthias Husinsky and Franziska Bruckner
Virtual Stage: Interactive Puppeteering in Mixed Reality

Jan-Erik Kilimann, Jan Friesen, Christoph Pott and Philipp Lensing
A Fast Avatar Calibration Method for Virtual Environments Using Six 6-DOF Trackers

Daniel Vogel, Paul Lubos and Frank Steinicke
AnimationVR: Interactive Controller-based Animating in Virtual Reality